30 min 31 sec | Posted on: 28 May '24

Shaquille Hinkson
Bucket Talk’s eighth season kicks off with host Jeremy Perkins sitting down with Shaquille “Shaq” Hinkson, owner and operator of Nick’s Professional Supplies, a car detailing supply company based in Long Island, NY. Tune-in to hear about Shaq’s exotic cars, his expansion into custom car modifications, his relentless work ethic, and his business partnership with his wife as they rise to the top of the industry.
Shaquille “Shaq” Hinkson is a business owner, tireless networker, husband and exotics car enthusiast who got his start with a mobile car detailing business that taught him how hard work pays off. This venture lead Shaq to opening up his own shop, Nick’s Professional Supplies, where he is bringing expert detailing services to the NYC area with style. Shaq has now expanded into merchandise and supplies sales, along with a full customization shop, solidifying him as a true success in the car service industry. Thank you for coming on Shaq, links to social below.
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Eric Girouard 0:00
This is Bucket, a weekly podcast for people who work in the trades and construction that aren't just trying to survive, but have the ambition and desire to thrive. The opportunity in the trades and construction is absolutely ridiculous right now. So if you're hungry, it's time to eat. We discuss what it takes to rise from the bottom to the top with people who are well on their way and roll up their sleeves every single day.
Jermery Perkins 0:28
Today, we're here on this episode of bucket talk with Shaq. Shaq does Nick's custom products. He he's been around for a while. Shaq, I want to a long, a long time.
Shaquille Hinkson
And guys, I'm driving, so mind if you hear any background noise in the rain and stuff like that, or if you hear the Lamborghini sound. Don't mind that. But however, I've been in the game for a long time. My name is SRT life shack. I got my name because I've had an SRT where I still, we still got SRTs. We're both SR I'm SRT life Shaq. She's SRT header, and we both got SRTs. That's why our name is SRT this and that, right? So check this out. We've started this journey a very long time ago. I started Nick's professional supplies and Nick professional touch. Um, about 13 years about 12 to 13 years ago. Uh, everybody wonders where the hell Nick's come from. Who's Nick? Who is who is Nick, right now? So Nick is my son. I named the business after my son. So that's who Nick is. So if everyone's asking and wondering who's Nick, that's my son. So I named the business after him. 13 years ago. He's actually he's turning 13 this year, and and it's been a long journey, but however, I've been in the game long time, and I've always been into cars. I love cars. And I've decided to say, You know what? I love cars so much. I love keeping them clean. I love making them look nice. Let me start a mobile detailing business. So 13 years ago, I started the business Nick's professional touch. It was a mobile detailing company, basically service. Not was, because it still is that comes to your location and detail your cars, wherever you're at your house, your school, just making life convenient for everybody, you know, say, making things convenient for everybody when people don't have time to, you know, stop at stop and get a car wash into detail because they're so busy with their life, this is where we come in. And we come by detail your car and make it look spotless, sometimes, even better than going to the car wash. So that was about my main objective that I wanted to do. I just wanted to start something that was not really much around when I started it years ago, there weren't many around, um, now there's lot more, you know, all over the world and mobile detailing companies everywhere now, which is cool, because if I was able to help motivate some of these people start up their businesses, that made me feel absolutely amazing. You know, I'm saying I like doing things like that. So, you know, as the years grown gone by, we've grown we've gotten we've gotten more trucks, we've gotten our name very big, and the whole world out actually known about us. You know, I'm saying because we were just doing such amazing work, and my content was so good that was supposed to be four and after pictures and they were going viral, you know, saying that, of course, I was in the videos and talking. So I became more famous from this too, as well. So moving forward, few years later, all of our customers, they were always requesting, Hey, how can we get these products that you're using our car? They're so good we want what you're using, so that when we can't have you, we still have your products. And I feel like we still have you here. So I decided to start up a company called, well, we decided to start up a company called Nick's professional supplies. Well, basically all of the products that we were using in your cars, we were actually now selling them. We opened up a store, and we opened up an online e commerce business where we're selling these products worldwide, right? So that became crazy. So from the mobile detailing we became, we opened up a store for detailers to come to the for people to come get their cars detailed and customized, starting to just only washing the wax. And then we transitioned to doing custom work. Stars in the headliner, custom approach to work, vinyl wrapping. We did everything. And I'm like, You know what? This is going to be a all in one store. We're going to sell our detailing products here at the same time. So people come and get their cars detailed, stop by pick up a bottle of spray, wax, a bottle of Thai shine. They were literally going crazy. So our name just became bigger and bigger and bigger. We blown up all over the world. Like I said, not even only in the States, but also in different countries. You know what I'm saying? So what I'm trying to say is, this didn't come easy, you know? I'm saying a lot of hard work, promotion, advertising, and a lot of skills to become who I am today and where I am today. So everybody want, everyone wants to know. So I'm always happy to tell everybody, because I like seeing people grow and succeed from things like this. You know, I'm saying I might lose signal over here, so I should probably turn off, right, yeah, can you hear me? Oh, I can hear you. Oh, yeah, because the signal where I'm at goes in and out, hopefully it stays in, so we can get this rocking and rolling. But yeah, that's, that's, that's who we are. Um, you know, I make. That everyone knows the face of mixed professional supplies. Everybody knows the face because I'm always in
Jeremy Perkins 5:04
all the videos. Yeah, yeah. There's a lot. There's a lot to unpack there, though. One of the things Ian, I know you personally, and we, we've talked a little bit before, and but one of the big things I want to unpack is I know you're a driven individual. You and Heather are just like in the game all the time and just just making it work. But at some point in the business, you might not have had the answers, or you might not have known what the next step was. How did you go about getting the answers? Was it network? Was it just sheer determination and hitting Google or like, I mean, because you you've grown massively, massively.
Shaquille Hinkson 5:40
So I tell people your net worth, your network is your net worth. So meaning, by that, some people don't know what that means, the people that you surround yourself with are the people that's going to be it's going to determine where you're at in the future. Meaning, if you're surrounding yourself with people that are in the game, that what you're doing, you're going to learn massive talk. You learn massive things about that. You know, what have you doing? You going to learn a lot. But if you're hanging around people that you're not interested in doing what they're doing, you won't learn and gain the knowledge that you need to succeed for what you want to do. So I hung around people that were doing the same thing or wanting to do the same thing with me, and I just got so many ideas. I took a few courses and learned. I also worked at a car wash and learned and built my way up. I didn't just wake up one day and say I'm going to start a detailing company. I actually worked at a car wash, making $3 an hour and working off of tips to gain my skills on how to detail a car properly. You know, I'm saying so this was years ago. Dropped out nothing. I'm saying I'm sorry, right after high school, I didn't drop out of high school. Right after high school, I worked at a car wash. And that's why I became successful at because I learned how to detail cars working at that car wash. I got unfortunately, I got fired because I was taking my time to make these cars look so well so that I can gain the money to get the tips from the customers. Because, remember, I'm only making $3 an hour. I'm like, You know what I gotta do? What I gotta do? I gotta take my time make sure that car's done right, so I can get that and earn that $20 bill, that $20 tip, that $15 tip, and it worked. But the car wash owners just didn't want that. They wanted something faster. It's just like, quick and go. So I got fired, and me getting fired was the best thing in this entire world because I got motivated to start my own company. So that was the best thing ever to happen. I got fired. Because if I didn't get fired, I probably wouldn't have been as motivated to start my own company. And that's where I started from. You know, I'm saying so people ask, you know, like, how does it work? Like, how do you do it? You gotta get the motivation. Somehow. Something gotta unlock, unlock you, unlock something in you, something somebody just gotta unlock it where you're just like, You know what? I just gotta get started. I gotta get started. I can't keep, I can't keep depending on someone to take care of me forever. And that's exactly what I did. I was like, You know what? I'm just going to get started. I'm going to do what I got to do. Look where I'm at now. Because I invested in myself. I knew was going to go out to go out sick, dropped out there for a minute, yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry about that, yeah. I like I said, I invested in myself and look where I'm at today. Where's the look, look where I'm at today. Oh, this. I knew it was going to do this over here, so I should have turned off. Yeah, I'm sorry. I just knew that this area that this area that was in was going to do that, but I was not going to do it again. Very good. Yeah, it's not going to do that again. Yeah, bro, go ahead.
Jeremy Perkins 8:32
No, no, no. So I was saying, I was saying, surrounding yourself with the right people you want to put yourself on a team that's going to win, and you know, you can't necessarily build that team up, but if you all work together, you you're going to be able to succeed. And I see you, you know, you and your boys, you guys are all. You guys are all coming up together. You guys are all feeding off each other. You all have, you all. You guys have the same freaking energy. It's insane. Everybody,
Shaquille Hinkson 8:56
everybody, like, the energy is contagious. Like you surround yourself with the energy is like very high at you know, you don't want to surround yourself with an energy. It's very low frequency. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I surround myself with nothing but high hitters, positive people, nothing negative. We're not sitting here gossiping about what happened to that person, this person. No. We're trying to make each other bigger and better every single way we can. You know, I'm saying this is what we do. No time for any nonsense, no time for any nothing. We're just straight positive. You see me all the time. What was happening? What was smiling? So we
Jeremy Perkins 9:29
were talking about network. We were talking about how, you know, you surround yourself with a with a good group of people who compliment you. You compliment them absolutely, and they also accent you too, like, there's you guys, you got people in your group that run rental businesses and probably feed you. You feed them. I mean, there's just so much to it. There's so much connectivity there.
Shaquille Hinkson 9:50
It's, it's just the best thing ever. Like, I might say, like, Yo like, like, your connections in this world is everything. Because whatever I need they got, whatever they need I got, and we. Just literally help each other out. You know, I'm saying, no matter what, whatever connections I find, I pass it on. Like, connections is everything in this world, everything, everything and better, everything and more. So I always stay, I always say to people, like, stay connected with people. No, no. Like, just don't, don't just, like, sit inside of a shoe box and think you can do it all on your own. You need connections of people. You know, I'm saying you need a team. Without a team, it is very hard to get to the top. Everyone wants to get to the top by themselves. You can't, yeah, it's impossible. You need a team so that you have structure, because you can't be everywhere at the same time. You need somebody that can run something over here for you, somebody can run something over there for you. Literally, you have to delegate your time, because if you don't, you'll win, you'll burn yourself out. It's impossible. It's impossible. So,
Jeremy Perkins 10:50
so you started the first business up in the northeast, right? And then now you're down. Now you're up and down the coast. You're just in, you're in Florida, you're in New York. Like, Yeah, how'd you get, how'd you spread out, like that?
Shaquille Hinkson 11:04
So I started, like, traveling. I've been, I've been traveling my entire life, and just bringing, bringing my products with me, and introducing them to different detail shops, different detailers, different stores, and just literally showing them. I had to put the legwork and put the footwork in and show them, you know, because a lot of people see things on TV, but that not everything you've seen is as seen on TV. So I gotta literally bring it to them, demonstrate it, show it to them, and see how it works in person, let them try it. And that's what the taking the risk is. Like, you know, like literally hopping on a plane, going to a different state, renting a car, and like, showing different people, like, what these products are really all about what our products are all about, what is next, all about. So when it comes to, like, showing my brand, I I'm, I'm all for it like,
Jeremy Perkins 11:48
so you, you touched a little bit on, on products, right? So now, now you, you shift from from detail in to now you're, you know, ceramic coating. You're doing the starlights in the in the headliners and stuff like that, but now you create your own product. Now walk me through the mindset. There were just products not cutting it for you or you. You were like, hey, I want to capture everything from A to B. I don't want to buy somebody else's product. Like, how did that that mental switch? So
Shaquille Hinkson 12:17
I was working with a company a long time ago. I know I was, I was working with them, and they seen how big we were getting, and then they started to say, oh, no, we couldn't buy for them anymore, and rebuttal and stuff like that, or else we'll get sued. Once I heard that, I was like, Alright, no problem. I'm going to get my own chemist, and I'm going to start it my own self starter myself. Once they started saying, oh, because they seen that we were actually growing so big, they just they, you know, they were selling to us, and they didn't think that we was think that we was going to make it that far. But they thought wrong, because we made it super far in such a short time that they were like, oh, no, we can't sell to you guys anymore, because you guys are selling and reselling and rebounding. You know, if this continues, if this continues to happen, we're going to have to sue you guys. Once I heard that, I was like, nobody tells me, no, I find a different way to make it happen. I'll just open up another door, which I did, and I found 10 more steps on how to do it. And now I'm at a point where I'm I had my own chemist making our own product with our own solutions. Nobody can tell me anything. Nobody can sue me. You know, I'm saying, This is ours. That's
Jeremy Perkins 13:18
yeah, freaking own it from top to bottom. So now not only do you do, you own the facility, you own the the detailing and and all that stuff, but you now own the product you're cleaning with. You're selling it wholesale. You're selling it to the people who are like, Hey, I went to, I went to Knicks for for a detail. I loved it. I love the tire shine. I love what it did. I'm gonna buy it for myself.
Shaquille Hinkson 13:41
Yep, I'm exactly what we do, bro, exactly, bro, exactly to a T and people just like people just love the the movement so much that sometimes they don't even have a car. They just come to just buy something, just to support yo, I'ma just come if it's gonna cost me $20 I got the chance to meet shack and just talk to them for five minutes. I'm going to do it. People do it all the time, bro, to be honest with you, bro, I don't even have a car. I just came over here because I wanted to meet you. But you know what, I'm not going to waste your time. I'm going to still support you and buy something. And I appreciate that, and I respect that a lot. I respect on that that's
Jeremy Perkins 14:17
actually, that's actually cool about you, is, is, you know, the fact that it doesn't matter how big or how small you are, yeah, Shaq's always got time for you. Always,
Shaquille Hinkson 14:28
I find a way, bro, I make it happen. Bro, I figure it out. Bro, I figure it out because, like, you know what's crazy, like, like, I just hate to let people down. And, you know, like, I don't want people to see a side of me on Instagram, and then when they meet me, there's like, a different, different way, like, it's going to be the same way, whether you met me or you didn't, whether you do see me or not, it's going to be the same energy. I'm going to give you that high energy. I'm going to make you feel like, you know. I'm going to make you feel loved, make you feel wanted, make you feel like you know you're comfortable to talk to me, you know. Say I talk to everybody, you know. I mean, I'm never too good for anybody.
Jeremy Perkins 14:58
So what was one of those? The most unique transactions that ever happened. I'm sure that somebody has come to your shop, and you're like, I you know, you talk to him a little bit, and then you realize, yo, this was, this was an amazing conversation I just had. There's got to be something that just put you, that floored you, or what have you.
Shaquille Hinkson 15:20
Oh, there's tons, there's there's tons of them every day. Like, there's always somebody new that comes in every day, and I just meet new people. And like, like, I said, the connections, like, I just get connected to so many different, more things and more, many more doors to open. And I'm just like, Yo, if you ain't coming here today, this one, I wouldn't have been able to get this or been able to do that, you know, I'm saying. So it's like, you never know who's walking in that door. You know, I'm saying, like, just always be ready. You got to stay ready. So you don't have to get ready, because the next person that walks in could be the next opportunity or the best opportunity of your entire life. So I've had many people that come in and, you know, they just connect me with so many different things that they got going on, you know, I mean, and like, I said, it's like, if you're not in it, you can't win it, you know, I'm saying, you gotta be in it. To win it, you have to be God.
Jeremy Perkins 16:05
So I think, I think we got a good insight on who Shaq is and the business and the workings. But let's get to the fun stuff. So not only are you running a business, running a wholesale operation, direct to consumer. You're also coaching. And then, on top of all that, you guys actually live the life like it. You guys get out there. You're with the kids. You guys are traveling. Um, how do you do it all? I mean, it's, it's insane. Like, I'm a father of two, and I could barely get the dishes done. Never mind. Like you guys are insane, bro, I'm not going
Shaquille Hinkson 16:44
to sit here and make it sound like it's so easy that anybody can just do it. It's very hard. It's time consuming, um, you know, some days are not as good as other days, but, you know, like, not every day is gonna be a sunny day, like today is raining. It's not, it's not gonna be a sunny day every day. But you just gotta expect that something good will come out of something that's bad, you know, I'm saying, and you just gotta give certain things time to grow. Um, nothing has grown overnight. And I always tell everybody, like, you know, like, patience is everything, you know. Saying, we all want the big houses. We all want to travel the world. We all want nice cars. It all comes in due time, you know, I'm saying, and family first, of course, you know, we do all the things with the things with the family, make sure that the family is good, make sure we all happy. And like you said, having kids, we got five, you know, saying, so we, we figure out ways to make them all happy, you know, I mean, and now spend time with them, you know, you know. So it's like, it's like juggling, but we, we've somehow figured out, like, we kind of like mastered it, you know, saying, like, we did so much time, so many times that became easy for us. I can't say it's gonna be easy for the whole entire world. You just gotta figure out a structure that works well for you, that also works around your family, incorporating your family in it as well, you know. So
Jeremy Perkins 17:52
I've watched, I've watched a lot of your travels and and hell, you can do it. You could do a whole travel vlog and a whole, a whole another side of the the coin, bro, I've
Shaquille Hinkson 18:03
been everywhere, bro.
Jeremy Perkins 18:05
So from Dubai to Greece to wherever. Where's your favorite place you guys have been together, and what was kind of like, what was the most memorable portion of it that that people could be like, oh shit, I want to go there and do that. So
Shaquille Hinkson 18:17
we this the first place that you mentioned Dubai, that's one of our favorite places to go. And I'm, I'm actually planning on moving there very soon, because it's just like, it's just my dream place, like I've always dreamed of, dreamt of going to Dubai. I finally got there, and I wanted to see exactly what's the hype I got there. I got to experience it, and now I just want to live it full time. You know, I'm saying, so Dubai is one of the nicest places. Why? Because the people are so amazing. They're so nice. Obviously, the cars, the car scene is extremely big. I've never been anywhere else in this world that has a bigger car scene than Dubai. When I say from the most expensive cars in the entire world that you have probably never thought they could make you're going to see them driving around in Dubai randomly, just driving, you know, like, and this is what I'm this is what like, I mean, like, if you want to live a life, why not live your life in the best place ever, you know, like, Why live a miserable life where you don't want to be just get up, leave, just figure your life like, I'm the type that, and don't make this sound crazy, I'm the type that I will start all over just so that I can live the rest of my life the best and the happiest way ever. I don't care if I have to go back to the zero if I'm guaranteed to know that my life is going to be lived happy, I'm doing it.
Jeremy Perkins 19:38
You're what's wild is you're taking me out of my comfort zone. My initial thought is, is, like you're nuts. You're fucking nuts, right? Not and, and, but, but what's crazy is, is that, like you're on top of your game, and that's not enough, and it's, it's not the money, it's not it's not this. It's just Shaq wants to be where Shaq wants to be, and that's free. Easy that you're you're ready to put all the chips on the table, and you're gonna go over there, and obviously you're gonna try to make your business dealings work here. Absolutely, absolutely. There's a lot of, there's a lot of unknowns there, right?
Shaquille Hinkson 20:10
Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of unknowns there, bro, a lot, a lot, bro. And I'm ready to risk it all and just start all over, because it's like, I know, like, it's like, if I did it once, I can do it 20 more times. You know? I'm saying, like, I can do this. You know? I'm saying, and I don't mind taking a loss or taking a risk, because this is what I do every day. I take risks every single day of my entire life. I take a risk, you know, saying, so I'm not scared to start all over, because I know what the structure is to get where I'm at now, I've did it already, you know? I'm saying, it's only hard the first time, because you're doing it and you're learning, but once you do it again, you're like, once it's like, come back again to do it again. It's like, oh, that's it. Alright. I gotta do this. Do that. I gotta network with this person. I gotta know who has this. It's so easy if you've done it already, I'm never gonna tell anybody. It's easy the first time. Never, never, ever, ever.
Jeremy Perkins 20:59
So do you get scared? Like, are you scared about it, or are you just more pumped about it than anything else? And you not worry, bro?
Shaquille Hinkson 21:07
I can't tell you last time I was scared of being successful, bro, because it's like, you know, like, like, it's either you want it or you don't, like, like, scared. Money makes no scare. Money makes no money. You know, I'm saying, I just, I'm starting a new venture today. You know, I'm saying I'm saying I'm starting a new business today. You know, I'm saying I just literally send the deposit to one of my, one of my teammates, to get another business that I want to open up started. So that's coming soon. I'm going to announce it soon. And, you know, once everything goes good, you know, it's just all up from here. You know, like scared, scared money makes absolutely no money. You got to be willing and ready to take that risk, because nobody's going to take it for you. Nobody, nobody's going to grab your hand and walk across the street and say, Here, you made it across the street safely. Nobody's doing that. You have to literally figure it out on your own. You have to.
Jeremy Perkins 21:53
That's crazy. That's crazy. I mean, if anybody can take inspiration, it's like, it's, yeah, exactly that. Hey, scared money, don't make money,
Shaquille Hinkson 22:01
but money makes no money. Bro, just be willing to take that risk. What's the most that can happen? You fail one time. You ain't gonna fail every time, because you're not gonna go down the same steps you took the first time. You're gonna learn from that failure. Learn from that mistake. You're gonna say, You know what? I I'm not gonna do it this way. The next time, I'm gonna do it that way. You know I'm saying, like, if you keep on failing every time, then it's like, you know what? It just ain't for you on to the next. Well,
Jeremy Perkins 22:25
it's funny, somebody, somebody told me a while back, and I tried to change my mindset to this, but like, never have a plan B, right? Because if you have a plan B, you always fall back on you'll always
Shaquille Hinkson 22:37
fall back on it. Like, I don't have any plan Bs. It's all aids to me, because I don't want to have to rely on anybody. It's all A's. I don't have anybody that, you know, if I lose 20,000 today, I can call them. I do have people, but I don't want I never look at them as they're My Plan B's, no, I figured out if I went broke today. Yes, I got tons of people that can call and give me loans. But I don't want that. I don't even want to know that I got access to people like that. Because you know what you know what? You get comfortable and you're like, you know what? Even if I do fail, you know what, I got somebody that's going to pick me back up. No, nobody's picking me up. Nobody. That's why
Jeremy Perkins 23:09
some, some of the most successful people, are people that had their back against the wall and they had to scratch and claw to get where they are, and they had, they had no choice, right? Like rock bottom sometimes is the best place to be. It's because it's only up from
Shaquille Hinkson 23:23
there. Because, I'm telling you, like, when you get to your when you get to your bottom right, you literally figure out a way. But when you're like, when you're on the top all the time, you get comfortable, and you're like, oh, I don't I like the challenges of, you know, going broke and coming back, becoming back rich again. You know I'm saying because it's like, I get to learn more things on the journey to be coming back to the come back to the top. You know, I'm saying, imagine if you just was at a bottom of a mountain, and you just literally flew to the top without taking that step and walking to the top to learn how to get to the top. You literally took a plane to the mountain when you could've literally walked your way up there to find out what are the steps to do to really get to the top here? Nah, I like doing that, bro. I don't like the easy ways. Bro.
Jeremy Perkins 24:04
It's funny. Some people make fun of it and say, you know, it's not about where, where you're going. It's about the journey. And it can get cliche and whatnot, but I mean, your prime example of the journey is, is really all of it, right? It's not, it's not getting to the top. It.
Shaquille Hinkson 24:23
Journey is everything, because at least I have something to talk about, to talk about. I'm not going to I'm not I don't like it's more it's it's more boring. Telling someone a story of, oh, I woke up and tomorrow and the next day I was rich. I like to tell people how I became who I am, the journey that I took, the steps that I've taken that's more fun, that's more inspiring. Nobody wants to just hear, Oh, I woke up tomorrow, I woke up, I woke up next week, or I woke up last night. And you know, today I'm rich. How? How did you do that? Like everyone wants to know how? So if I can have a story to tell you and let you know exactly how I did it. And how you can how can you do it too? I'll tell a story a million times to inspire and motivate somebody to do it too. And I'm saying, because I didn't get where I'm at today by not someone motivate me to get there. And I'm saying I took the I took advice from people. I watched people, you know, said ask questions. Wasn't afraid to be around certain people so that I can learn too. I surrounded myself with the people that was doing what I was doing. Like, that's all you need to do. That's the the tips, that's the hint, that's the secrets that people want to know what I'm saying. Hell yeah.
Jeremy Perkins 25:32
So when it comes to exotic cars, like, I'm not an exotic car guy. Never have been. I can appreciate you know, obviously, the sexiness of the vehicles, how fast they are, right? What is your favorite vehicle, or the vehicle that you don't have yet, that you want? I mean, because you're, I mean, you got the Ford, you got a ton of vehicles. But a, what's your favorite and and B, what don't you have that you want to have,
Shaquille Hinkson 26:00
um, my dream car is a Bugatti, and I know one day I'm going to have it, you know? I'm saying, like, it's really a Bugatti. I know I'm going to have it. I just got to be patient. That's all, you know. I'm saying, like, every other car that I ever wanted, I got it already, so why can't I get it every other car that I dreamed of having as a kid? I have it now, and I know that the card I really, really dream of all the time and constantly is a Bugatti, and I gotta say that I'm going to get it one day, because if I don't speak it into existence, it will never happen. So you have to speak it into existence. You got to say, you know, I know I'm going to have it like I know. I just don't know when. God doesn't give me a date of when something's going to happen. Things just happen. So I know that it's going to happen, but I just gotta be patient. I just gotta work a little harder, take baby steps, and we'll be there. Alright,
Heather 26:49
what's the fastest 1000 other cars we'd be able to get one.
Shaquille Hinkson 26:55
I like to have, I like to have options. I like to have options. Bro, I like to have options.
Jeremy Perkins 26:59
Heather, what's your what? What's, what's the car you want, or you already got it, um, it's
Heather 27:04
actually coming this month, a special ordered something, and it's, it's coming,
Shaquille Hinkson 27:09
just coming this month, they said April, so we don't know what day. They're not
Heather 27:13
telling us a day. Yeah, we don't know what day it's coming April, so just be ready. Yep.
Unknown Speaker 27:17
Alright, yes. What's
Jeremy Perkins 27:19
the fastest you've gone in a car.
Shaquille Hinkson 27:22
So the fastest I'm going in the car was in my it was in my GTR. It was in my GTR. And I've went, what was it? You said it? You just said it yesterday, 220 miles per hour, my GCR, I did.
Jeremy Perkins 27:36
I've never gone that fast in a vehicle. Yeah. What does that feel like? The other day,
Speaker 1 27:40
we were doing 160 and I was like, Oh my gosh, it's so fast. But I'm like, wow, we went 220 in the GTR, like, we did 220 we did we did something
Jeremy Perkins 27:49
crazy. Where'd you do that? At a tracker up in Dubai? No,
Shaquille Hinkson 27:52
it was, it was, I actually did that. It's crazy because I did, nah, I did that. I did that at a air a old airstrip. It's called calvinson, uh, covid. I did it over there, and it was like, it's literally a old airstrip where planes used to take off, so the plane could take off there. And I know I can make it to that top speed there as well too. So I did it there. That was, that was pretty crazy, crazy, crazy. I somehow ever do again? That was just one time experience. I was like, I'm done. I was scared. I'm done. Yeah, Master, yeah, you know,
Jeremy Perkins 28:23
that's awesome. So you I forgot, no, I was going to say, giving you any, anything else you wanted to to cover. Well, he pretty much at time, he actually,
Unknown Speaker 28:35
what's your favorite car? You
Shaquille Hinkson 28:36
said R 34 skyline, yeah, that's my that's my real like, that's came from text, Jack core. Jack core job that came from the movie Fast and the Furious of two fast affairs. And once I seen that car, I was just like, I gotta have one. So that's my favorite car right now. That's my baby. Hell yeah, that's my baby. So, yeah, you know, like, I'm just into it. Like, I love it, you know, this is what I do, you know, saying it's like, if I could give back to people and just like, make people feel good. So that's all I want to do, bro, you know, and motivate the world.
Jeremy Perkins 29:06
Bro. Alright, well, this has been an awesome podcast. I mean, I get to, I got the chance to know you more. And, I mean, we've been to a couple of things together. I wanted everybody else to get to know you. You guys you guys are stand up people. You know, you live, you live a good life, but you feel good life. Thank you. And I think that you're, you know, contributing to this world in a positive way. Help, if you little out, it's, it's, it's great to hear. I want to give you this time any, anything you want to plug any in your product deals,
Shaquille Hinkson 29:41
I want to shout out. I want to shout out to the best boot company in the entire world. It's called brunch wear. They sponsor me and give me all of their latest boots. I like when it's raining, when it's snowing, when it's when I'm going to a mud I only wear their boots because it's waterproof and feels good and comfortable. I. Like, I appreciate you guys. If anybody want to shout out, it's you.
Jeremy Perkins 30:04
Appreciate it. Appreciate it. Awesome. Well, this has been great, and thanks for coming on.
Shaquille Hinkson 30:11
Of course, bro, of course. Anytime, just let me know when it's the next one. I'm always down.
Jeremy Perkins 30:16
And as a special thanks to our loyal listeners, we're giving $10 off your next purchase of $60 or more at bruntwork where.com Use Discount Code bucket talk 10. That's bucket talk 10. You.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai