BucketTalk Ep 07 | Roy Scott

Roy Scott



For Roy Scott, refurbishing axes started out as a hobby. Collecting old axes from thrift stores, friends, and watching YouTube tutorials he slowly began to master the art of restoring old axes. It wasn't until a few years later when he found himself at a crossroads that he decided to launch this hobby into a full on career. Tune into how Roy built out a name for himself in this niche category. 

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When Roy Scott started refurbishing axes, he truly wasn't trying to make a career out of it. Since 2012 he's been collecting old axes, and today he's lucky enough to call it his full time job. "Just like anyone with an outlandish hobby..it consumes people..at least that is the way I am.."

 Early on Roy noticed the axes he would find in old shops where always beat up. As he showed them off to freinds, they would ask if he could put some work into restoring axes for them and their friends. By 2014, the demand was piling up. "Axes are just everywhere out in Washington state..logging is just such a huge part of that culture...I just started restoring them and selling them on eBay." 

After a short stint managing a BMW in Louisville, Roys wife was the one to push him into flipping the axes. After years and years of refurbishing axe heads, he had established himself as an expert in a super niche category. This time around, he was flipping axes as his full time job and doubling his money sometimes tripling. 

Listen in to hear how Roy took his side hobby to a full time career, and took advantage of a unique opportunity. 

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